Further information
Here you will find useful additional and detailed information. Our product profiles for the individual technologies and applications inform you about possible applications, achievable specifications and standards. You can already select a product here that you would like to discuss with one of our experts. You will also find our product questionnaires on IMC, release agents and PU pastes. Submit them to us with your information. This is the quickest way to recommend the best product for your application and move into implementation.
General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery
ISO certificate 9001-14001
Image brochure
Image brochure (english)
Product profile BASCOplast
BASCOlin cold spray plastic product profile
fiche produit BASCOlin
BASCOpaint spray paint product profile
fiche produit BASCOpaint
BASCOtaktil product profile
fiche produit BASCOtaktil
BASCObike bike lane markings product profile
Product profile BASCOfield GP
fiche produit BASCOfield GP
BASCOfield ready mix product profile
fiche produit BASCOfield ready mix
Product Profile Afterglow Systems BASCOdur BASCOplast_nightglow
fiche produit BASCOdur BASCOplast nightglow
BASCOrep cold plastic product profile
fiche produit BASCOrep