High-quality road markings such as our BASCOplast products increase road safety. They perform an important task by guiding road users safely through traffic by means of visual guidance both day and night and in a wide range of weather conditions. The BASCOplast cold plastics convince with their high wear resistance, dimensional stability and visibility.
Technology description
BASCOplast is a solvent-free 2-component cold plastic compound based on reactive methacrylate resins. This compound is versatile in the field of permanent markings and is suitable for applications by hand or machine application.
Your advantages at a glance
Fast traversability
Lasting quality for three to four years (depending on traffic and layer thickness)
Dimensionally stable even in warm regions
Very good price / performance ratio
Our BASCOplast products can be used in a very wide range of applications and are particularly suitable for marking edge and center lines as well as crosswalks. The cold plastic mass is used on highways and roads with high traffic load. BASCOplast products are used for work in the public and private sectors.
We offer you tested quality. Because you rely on us.