The wild ride
Similar to Odysseus on his long and adventurous journey, we are also confronted with new and difficult tasks every day. Experience follows experience. In the permanent confrontation with the unknown, we develop forward-looking behavior in order to be able to proactively confront our current “demons” of climate change, environmental disasters, pandemics, refugee and economic crises with creative solutions. In doing so, it is imperative to critically engage with and understand our fellow “fellow travelers.” In this way, we develop strategies for working together and moving forward together.
Colors: brilliant, strong, pure, unadorned, clear and fresh, solid colors
Materials: hard, cold, fine porous, ceramic
Surfaces: matt or silk gloss, very fine effects with little flop
Do you have an exclusive idea but no solution yet?
We are happy to support you. Because we love demanding challenges. Get in touch with us.